He may be little, but he is STRONG!!!

So happy to be climbing all around!

So happy to be climbing all around!! Ha!

Look at that sweet smile!

Riding in Daddy's truck for the first time!!!
Travis took Ryan and I on quite an adventure on Dec. 30th! While flying the Yak one day, Trav found an area in East San Diego that he wanted to explore in his truck! So, we transferred Ry's car seat over, turned the airbag OFF, I loaded up all the essentials we would need for an afternoon adventure with an 18 month old, climbed in the tiny cab in the back and off we went! Both Trav and Ryan were thrilled to be riding together in the truck! Trav kept reaching over and rubbing Ryan's leg and Ryan was smiling, looking around, kicking his legs, dancing to the music and just generally acting like he was a big boy! I loved watching it all from my little space in the back of the truck! My two favorite guys!! Anyway, Trav drove us out to the middle of nowhere, which had me a little worried! For those of you that don't know this little fact about me....the day I gave birth to Ryan I instantly became a worrier, which drives my husband NUTS! I cannot help it! I am a mother, I worry, that is my job! Anywho, I kept my phone on me the whole time, just in case! We found this awesome Jeep/truck trail and went 4 wheeling up this mountain and found some amazing boulders to climb around, under and over! We all had a great time and it allowed me to practice wit my new fancy camera!!!! The boys had a great time, which made me so happy! I love watching them together and am so glad Trav is so passionate about his need to explore!!! I hope we go on many more adventures as a family!!!