Our good friends, Allyson and Alexis Rehm

Noodle laying down on the comfy mats!!!

Ryan showing Grammy how its done!

WHAT? A picture of mommy and Ryan @ Gymboree?

Ryan and Mommy at lunch with Grammy! (Day 1)
My wonderful mother came to town just in time to help me pack my house up to move next door. She always manages to come into town when I have a lot on my plate. i.e.-about to have my first child, just moved and getting ready to move. I always feel so bad that I drag her around town running errands and occasionally stopping for a meal at some mediocre eating establishment! Oh, we have big plans for fabulous meals, but never seem to make it!
Day one we went to one of our favorite mexican restaurants in Old Town. It was called Case de Pico in the 80's and just recently changed ownership. It was wonderful and the only thing missing was the margaritas and pina coladas, my Aunt Vikki and my sister, Katie! My mom and Aunt Vikki would have drinks and Katie and I would wander around the various shops buying random trinkets and bags of Jelly Bellys!!! YUM!!!
Ryan showed Grammy his swimming skills on Tuesday, then introduced her to his favorite gal pal, Alexis Rehn and her mom, Allyson at Gymboree. Afterwards the 5 of us ate at the Thai restaurant next door. Grammy got a yummy dish that has quickly become my new fave!! My mom had never eaten Thai....WHAT! Needless to say....she loved it!