We had a great time trick-or-treating for the first time! Ryan's costume came a few weeks ago and he did NOT like wearing the hood, but on Halloween night he donned it like it was an old hat! I think he was caught up in all the the excitement and wanted to be part of all of the fun! My good friend, Sarah Nannen, encouraged me to make our costumes and after many tries I somehow managed to pull them off! (She did an AMAZING job making her Leah and Luke Skywalker costumes) Trav looked fantastic and really enjoyed being the scarecrow! He was a little hesitant about wearing the makeup, but once it was on he was excited! My dress was FAR from perfect, but if you took a close look you could see all the uneven hems, off centered front, and of course BLOOD! However, I did face a fear of mine and actually sewed a zipper!!! Woo Hoo! We had a few of our friends and their little ones over for some appetizers and toddies and headed out for some good ol' trick-or-treating! Our neighborhood is quite hilly, so Dorothy's ruby slippers were killing her within the first 15 minutes, but she pulled through! The Scarecrow thoroughly enjoyed taking his little Lion to all of the doors and had perma-grin most of the night! We met some nice neighbors, loaded up on lots of yummy candy and had a great time sharing our FIRST OFFICIAL Halloween with some wonderful friends!
Cherry Martini Recipe
3 days ago
what a great night, thank you thank you, friend! and your costumes were absolutely perfect. not a single person saw nor mentioned the hemline on dorothy's dress. the only comments were dripping with jealousy on how absolutely fabulous you looked in socks and sparkly red shoes. your family costume theme was precious. i hope its a tradition we've begun to get the whole family dressed up each year. i'm already tossing around ideas for next year. :) and your lion was simply adorable.