Trav got to have the Inaugural swim in the hot tub and pool. He has put a lot of work into our yard and pool and I hate that he isn't going to be able to enjoy it with us this summer!
Family Hot Tub Photo! So much fun!
We had a great and relaxing last day home with Travis. We hung out all day and just enjoyed each others company. We had yummy orange rolls for breakfast, made our way to the Yak for one last thing to help goodbye, lunch at Rubios, a fun dip in the pool and hot tub, dinner on the patio while enjoying the beautiful San Diego weather and fantastic view of Mt. Woodson! Then off to enjoy one last night of bath time and reading books in mom and dads bed. We always start off with 3 and end up reading about 12.....a few times a day! Ryan loves it and is just so cute asking to go to the "nigh nigh B" signing for more "B" -books! Trav rocked him one more time and the he and I snuggled up in our "nigh nigh B" and watched a so-so movie together....the last time for 7 months! And then finally- tears were shed. Much needed tears. The stress of having your loved one leave is awful and a good cry always helps!!! I have had a few!
Bottom was a great, yet sad day that I will cherish forever!
OMG !!! I can't get over how cute his hair is... thick and blonde...reminding me of connor so much at this age.... Also, I feel like I am looking at myself in your hot tub...we look so much alike..even the kids agree....