Monday, November 1, 2010


We had a great time trick-or-treating this year, but would have enjoyed it more if the husbands could have been with us! Next year!!! Everyone came over around 430-500, let the kids run around like crazy, we ate some yummy chili and appetizers, some of the NON-prego adults had some wine and beer (Trav, Jason and Mr. Nannen both had one just FOR YOU!) Then around sundown we got all the costumes on and goody bags in hand and off we went into the dark to try and collect as much loot as possible! It was a gorgeous night and you could see every star in the sky! Some of our good friends and fellow Red Devil ladies that do not have kids joined us for the fun and really seemed to have a good time also! The kids were hilarious and just so excited! I actually think Ryan said, "I am SO excited!" at one point which got everyone laughing. He is hilarious!! Our first stop was our next door neighbor, The Koders a.k.a. the "triplets house", Alan opened the door and the kids flocked. Ryan wasn't really sure what to do, but after a little direction he figured it out! As we were walking away Alan said, "Hey Ryan, here are a few extra pieces just for you!" Then he handed him SMARTIES which produced the biggest grin and the sweetest "Thank you!" YEah!!! Then we were off to our babysitter, Nicole's house. You would have never known that he even knew her. He was all about the candy and could care less that one of his favorite people in the world was handing him candy. So funny! After this house the kids figured the whole thing out and were on a mission. Ryan and Petey both rode around in their little cars and GLADLY hopped out at every house to collect their loot, then came back, hopped in the car and we were off. I think they enjoyed getting to ride so they could concentrate on TRYING to open whatever candy the had just received!! I was very disappointed when Ryan had an entire bowl of yumminess to chose from and he picked a STARLIGHT MINT! Really!! Tricia pointed out that he went for the colorful candy....all the non-chocolate stuff. BOO!! Everyone was having fun, but it was getting late and very chilly, so we turned around at the corner of Granite and Obsidian and headed back to Casa de Kelley to let the kids play for a bit longer, pass out candy to all the older kids and so the adults could warm up, take our shoes off and start Round 2 of the apps and yummy desserts everyone brought!! We really didn't get many trick-or-treaters this year and I assume it was because it fell on a Sunday night. Regardless, we had fun and we were ALL worn out!! After all of our guests left, Ryan and I turned out all the lights and went straight upstairs. He was fine with only reading one book, quickly sucked down his milk and then he passed OUT!! I then quickly changed out of my costume, brushed my teeth and crawled into my bed. At that moment I realized that was the 1st time I had truly sat down to relax all day. I started my day at 0900 and ended it around 1000....oh my aching body!! I did sit for a few minutes while eating, but you know me....I was up and down constantly!! It is hard to be the hostess with an excited 2 year old running around . Thank you to my wonderful friends, Sarah and Allyson, that helped me keep an eye out for him!! They are like his other mothers and I am truly blessed!! This morning I woke up, tackled the house for about an hour and then enjoyed the day with my son. Ryan never got out of his pajamas and I got out of mine around 430, only so I could go outside to clean up the rotten pumpkin on my porch and to take the trash to the street, etc. We did a lot of choo choo playing, book reading and movie watching today...which was perfect!!

The crew at one of the last houses. It was so hard trying to get them all to look at the camera at the same time. They were pretty worn out at this point...."they" meaning the adults! ha!!
Petey Nannen and his granddad- Mr. Nannen
Fellow Red Devil Ladies, Teresa Thompson as a Deviled Egg and Jenn Martin as a Fairy and Prego as a witch!
Notice what Ryan is doing....trying to open the candy he just got....he did it after every house!!
After a few houses they really got the hang of it all. Alexis, the dog, was very into the whole thing and practically ran to each house. Hilarious!!
The Noodle walking up to one of many houses....look at that sweet thing!
Ryan with our babysitter, Nicole!
He would not smile for me....grr.

Getting ready to go and TRYING to get a good shot of the BLACK CAT!
Okay...I look so big in this picture. I think it is the way I was sitting, but even my face looks huge. We could not capture a decent pic of us the entire night.
But I did capture one of the adorable Nannen Family!!

1 comment:

  1. i wasn't going to harass you - but its almost february and you have a new baby. time to post some pics of noodle's sister!!!!
