Well, because my child is so darn cute and friendly, it allows me to talk/meet some very sweet and interesting people. While he and I were eating lunch at a local
Greek restaurant the next day, I was telling an older couple about his most recent haircut and they referred me to Sal the Barber. They had nothing but WONDERFUL things to say about this man who had cut their sons hair for 20 years, so off I drove with Ryan in tow. Thank goodness they gave me EXCELLENT directions because I would have never found his shop tucked in the corner of a strip mall in the heart of
Poway, CA on my own. I was a bit nervous as I approached the door of the shop and kind of wondering why the couple would have sent me to this random place with my sweet little son, but when I walked in the door, I knew why. Almost every inch of the wall space was covered with framed photos of
children, Marines, autographed pictures of random movie stars, etc. There were two men in the store and I knew EXACTLY who Sal was the minute I saw him. I giggled to myself. Sal was an older, tan gentleman with grey hair combed back, shirt unbuttoned down to his sternum and shiny gold necklace! He screamed NEW JERSEY! (sorry to offend!) Anyway, he checked out the damage, sat Ryan on my lap, handed him a sucker, then hair started flying! After he was done he pulled out this gel/lotion, rubbed it between his hands and QUICKLY combed and parted
Ryans hair! THEN he pulled the front straight up, pushed it back and then forward to make a wave in the front of his hair. He looked like a greaser. All he needed was a white t-shirt and pair of jeans and he could have totally played the lead in Grease or Jersey Boys!!!!
Anywho, Sal was such a doll and I truly enjoyed hearing about his interesting life, which was displayed all over his shop! He and best friend, Joe
Pesci, owned a barber shop while trying to get into show business. Joe became an actor and Sal became a lounge singer...which surprised me! NOT! Ha!
Great idea for next Halloween, Ryan a greaser. Don't forget the pack of candy cigarettes rolled in his sleeve and turned up jeans cuffs. It sounds like Sal is quite a character and experienced enough to keep a wriggly toddler still long enough to get a classy style. Make sure this goes in the book...you really must write one. Smooches, mom